You're already two weeks old!
You are a good baby Sam; nursing and sleeping well. At present time you nurse every 3 hrs and are up at night 1-2 times. Because you are an efficient eater though you only nurse for 20 mins and then go right back to sleep so Mom is not finding the nights too difficult. As an experienced parent, I also have a better grasp on how fast you will grow up so I am cherishing our special moments alone at night even if it is an interruption in my sleep. With Maggie, I remember how your Dad & I were always anticipating the next phase - when will she sleep through the night? when will she sit up? when will she walk? I think I can say with some confidence that we will not do this as much with you and instead try to enjoy the stage you are in.
Maggie loves her baby brother! She is very gentle with you and loves to kiss you. She helps Mommy by giving you your soother, putting your dirty diapers in the garbage and bringing Mommy her pillow and a glass of water each time she nurses. Mommy & Daddy felt her adjust to your presence in other ways though; mostly in terms of how she screamed at us to get our attention. Fortunately, her transition only lasted 3-4 days and Maggie is already back to her ol'self. On the cuter side, she refers to you as "ammey" and she holds your hand as the two of you sit side by side in your car seats. It's really quite adorable!
This time with you is so special Sam. Being home with a you has reminded me again of the important things in life. Any accomplishments your father and I have had or will come to have will never compare to being your parents. Having you and Maggie makes us want to be better people.
We love you so very much.
Love, Mom
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