Sam Malloy

Share in our joy as we welcome Sam Malloy to our family.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas...

Our new Christmas stockings as a family of four!

Sam's Dedication ceremony.

Christmas portrait 2006

Our Christmas card photo....snapped on the one and only day we had snow! Maggie is saying "Cheese" and Sam is saying "Hurry and take the picture and then get me out of this sled!"

Only 3 more days until Christmas! You love to look at all the lights and thankfully you love to shop with Mom. You almost sleep better when we are out and about; I think it's the white noise.

You are 5 mths old now and you weigh 21 lbs! It's almost time to transfer you into the new car seat! Everytime we enter a new stage of your infancy I think "oh, that's the last time (for example, the last time I'll have to carry a baby in a car seat)." You are also eating veggies and fruit now which you love and you are sleeping 7 hrs at night; just in time for Christmas.

You watch your sister like a hawk. She loves to read you books. She makes up a story and points to all the pictures and attempts to explain them to you. Sometimes she will go through 5-10 books in one sitting - she's a speed reader! :) You just play along. It takes nothing to make you smile and laugh. Everyone says you're just like your father that way but I remember Maggie was like that too! We've certainly been blessed with two babies with good temperments.

Maggie is anxiously awaiting Christmas with only two more treats in her advent calendar to go. She says "Danta bring me toys and treats....and Nammy too". Obviously she's not mastered the S sound at the beginning of her words yet but it's so cute.

Oh, I almost forgot. You have a new baby cousin since our last update. Maxwell Michael Malloy arrived on December 2nd. Finally a cousin on the Malloy side!! He's a beautiful baby and we're sure the two of you will be good friends!

We can't wait to celebrate your first Christmas Sammy!
Love, Mom


  • At 11:28 AM, Blogger the martins said…

    oh i just read your blog maggie and sam look cute in their christmas pictures.Sam is getting so big.


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